Monday, December 10, 2007

20th Anniversary of Cash Magazine

I can't believe that I've been in business almost 20 years. I moved to Savannah to start my magazine on December 31, 1987. I drove a Ryder Truck down from Charlotte where I had spent Christmas with my family to move into an old apartment in the Ardsley Park area of Savannah. The address was 538 East 49th Street.

I had a nice den, 2 bedrooms and a dirty bath and kitchen but I was in business and I had a dream of selling 32 pages with my partner Bobby Miller by the Spring and taking Savannah by storm.

I was so naive. We did sell out that first publication, but not everyone paid. By the Summer, Bobby had decided to get a "real job" as his wife was pregnant and I was alone with my maxed out $800 credit card and 1983 Honda Accord.